10 min qrt 每节十分钟
Custom for Style 预设
Timing Shooting 玩家时机
Timing Free Throw 玩家时机
Free Throw Difficulty-45 罚球难度
GameSpeed 65 游戏速度
Controller Settings 控制设置
Defense assist-0 防守辅助
Box-out assist- 50 篮板球挡人
Inside Shot Success - 37, SS(39/38) HOF(41/39)
Close Shot Success - 37, SS(39/38) HOF(41/39)
Mid-Range Success - 42, SS(44/43) HOF(46/44)
3PT Success - 44, SS(46/45) HOF(48/46)
Layup Success - 48, SS(50/49) HOF(52/50)
Dunk In Traffic Frequency - 60
Dunk in Traffic Success - 60
Pass Accuracy - 70
Alley-oop Success - 55
Contact Shot Success -48
Driving Contact Shot Frequency -85
Inside Contact Shot Frequency - 100
Layup Defense Strength (Takeoff) - 54
Layup Defense Strength (Release) - 53
Jump Shot Defense Strength (Gather) -60
Jump Shot Defense Strength (Release) -60
Help Defense Strength -65
Steal Success - 30
Quickness - 35
Vertical - 50
Strength - 38
Stamina - 50
Speed - 35
Durability - 50
Hustle - 70
Ball Handling - 75
Hands - 90
Dunking Ability - 55
On-Ball Defense - 72
Stealing - 55
Blocking - HUM20/50CPU
Offensive Awareness - 75
Defensive Awareness - 85
Offensive Rebounding - 50/45
Defensive Rebounding - 70
O Consistency - 50 SS(55/50) HOF(60/45)
D Consistency - 65 SS(70/65) HOF (75/60)
Fatigue rate- 58
Take Inside Shots -10
Take Close Shots - 10
Take Mid-Range Shots -65
Take 3Pt Shots -100
Post Shots - 50
Attack the Basket - 25
Look for Post Players - 50
Throw Alley-Oops - 60
Attempt Dunks - 66/66
Attempt Putbacks - 80/80
Play Passing Lanes - 35/35
Go For On-Ball Steals - 100/100
Contest Shots - 85/85
Backdoor Cuts - 80/80
Over the Back Foul Frequency - 100
Charging Foul Frequency - 100
Blocking Foul Frequency - 100
Reaching Foul Frequency - 100
Shooting Foul Frequency - 100
Loose Ball Foul Frequency - 100
NBA2K15修改器+10 V1.0(新增重设属性)[MrAntiFun]
- 1斩千军H5
- 2太古封魔录(超GM无限刷金 )
- 3世界大战:欧冠英雄H5
- 4我叫武器战(无限提充648)
- 5百战天下
- 6战吕布(送五星关羽20万充)
- 7龙之法则(GM现金免充)
- 8玛雅战纪(专属无限刀)